official receiver

英 [əˌfɪʃl rɪˈsiːvə(r)] 美 [əˌfɪʃl rɪˈsiːvər]

(英)破产案产业管理官员;清算管理官员; 缩写词为OR



  1. The official receiver becomes the receiver of an individual debtor or provisional liquidator of a company when a bankruptcy order against the property of the debtor or a winding-up order against the company is made by the court.
  2. A creditor may appoint the official receiver to act in the manner prescribed as his general or special proxy.
  3. When he acts as trustee or liquidator, the official receiver investigates the affairs of the bankrupt or the wound-up company, realises assets and distributes dividends to creditors.
  4. The appointment of Robert courmey Smith as the official receiver.
  5. To be returned to the official receiver or, if a trustee has been appointed, to the trustee.
  6. Where the assets of an estate do not exceed$ 200000, the official receiver is usually appointed the trustee or the liquidator by way of a summary procedure order.
  7. The court may on the application either of the official receiver or of the bankrupt appoint a day for proceeding with a public examination which has been adjourned sine die.
  8. In other cases, a meeting of creditors in bankruptcy, or meetings of creditors and contributories in compulsory liquidation will be convened to decide whether the official receiver or some other fit persons from the private sector should be appointed trustee or liquidator.
  9. This person can be the Official Receiver or anyone with suitable experience and qualifications in the opinion of the Court.
  10. Turkish Official Receiver and Registrar's Office
  11. Where a bankruptcy order is made the official receiver shall forthwith send notice thereof to the Gazette and to such local newspaper or newspapers as he may think fit.
  12. The official receiver or trustee shall not be personally liable for costs unless the court otherwise directs.
  13. Provided that where the shorthand writer is appointed at the instance of the official receiver the cost of the shorthand notes shall be deemed to be an expense incurred by the official receiver in getting in and realizing the assets of the company.
  14. A trustee in bankruptcy The Official Receiver's Office administers the estates of individual bankrupts and companies ordered to be compulsorily wound up by the Court of First Instance of the High Court.
  15. The foregoing charges to be in addition to such out-of-pocket expenses as may be authorized at the time by the official receiver or trustee.
  16. Accounting by Official Receiver
  17. The company has debts of over a million pounds and is now in the hands of the official receiver.
  18. This paper proposes a system of Electronic Official Document Interchange System based on security. It can match the secure needs of Electronic Official Document, that is Integrity, Privacy, sender ′ s and receiver ′ s Authentication.